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Ben Peek's "Alternative Zeera"

And in 2002, for Zeera's first birthday, I said to my friend Ben Peek,
"Hey do a cartoon for Zeera. It's her birthday."
And he said "I can't draw. And I don't have a paint package."

"No problem," I replied, "just grab an existing Zeera cartoon, scrub out the dialogue in MS Paint
and put your own words in. Everyone's got MS Paint."

And so he did. A lot. In fact, it kind of got out of hand, but the results are hilarious.
Welcome to Ben's creation: "The Alternative Zeera".

"Zeera the Space Pirate" is Copyright 2001-2013 Naomi Hatchman, and is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
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